The key focus of any sports club over the years has been the on-field performance management of players to maximise their chances to reach the ultimate goal of winning a grand final.

There’s an ever-increasing appetite from clubs to explore the link between mental health and performance outcomes. This project looks to empower sporting clubs to play a role in supporting players mental health and well-being and maximise player performance through a partnership with Lifeline Broken Hill Country to Coast

It is not a requirement or expectation for you to fund raise on behalf of lifeline Broken Hill Country to Coast. If you do we are very grateful!

What we can do.

Lifeline provide free Accidental Counselling to appropriate members. This is a certified workshop that has been tailored to address sports specific environments and is delivered by a nationally accredited trainer.

What you will get.

Through the initiative you will:

  • be displaying your leagues commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of your players and local community.

  • be acknowledging locals and all Australians who have been lost to suicide and who are struggling with their mental health

  • Improve player performance through your commitment to their holistic wellbeing.

  • have less injuries sustained and achieve shorter recovery times as a result of a supported league.

How’s Ya Mate is a mental health and well-being project aimed to reduce the risk of suicide by:

Raising awareness, increasing ones understanding of mental health, and enabling people to ‘recognise, respond and refer’ through education and training.

Building capacity within the club to address mental health issues and improve the state of players well-being so they can manage and maximise on-field performance.

Creating a culture where players and officials feel safe to have open conversations and reduce the stigma associated with mental health.

Accidental Counselling Workshop.

The 4-hour Accidental Counselling Training provides you with necessary skills and tools to be able to step into the shoes of an accidental counsellor momentarily.

It teaches participants to respond appropriately, efficiently and effectively to people in crisis or distress when there may not be a professional immediately available.

Developed using adult-centred learning principles, strengths-based approaches and unconditional positive regard, active listening and activities that aim to facilitate effective learning outcomes.

This is a certified workshop that has been tailored to address sports specific environments and is delivered by a nationally accredited trainer.

This valuable workshop will be delivered for FREE for clubs taking part in this initiative.

Who is eligible?

Persons over the age of 16 are eligible to attend.
No more than 20 persons per workshop.